Good practice examples from Europe

Collection of good practises on "Improving the accessibility to Services of General Interest through new digital opportunities, especially 5G" (Publication of the ThinkTank on SGI)

Breitbandatlas - Guideline and Information about optical fibre opening up

Broadband strategy South Tirol - Digitalisation as requirement for basic services, presentation Waltraud Deeg

Bus alpin - Association for public transport development for touristic destinations in the Swiss alpine areas

Digitale Dörfer - Digitalisation for rural areas

Freiamt bringt's - Delivery service for daily needs, local internet platform and target group oriented marketing, AlpineSpace ACCESS pilot activity (presentation, MidTerm Conference)

Gesundheitsregion Unterengadin - Product innovation in health tourism

Integrated approach on services of general interests - Experience from Germany, presentation Prof. Dr. Peter Dehne

mia Engiadina - Mobile working space in the Engadin

Parc shuttel service - Soft mobility in the nature park Weißensee, AlpineSpace ACCESS pilot activity

RW Oberwallis - Solidarity in fibre optic rollout in Switzerland

Schéma de services (Rhône-Alpes) - Considering civil society and their needs for the construction and organisation of services of general interests (presentation, Adrien Devos)

Service of general interest - Requirement for an integrated regional approach, presentation Thomas Egger

Tyrolian SGI Strategies - Broadband expansion, Healthcare, Mobile Care and ICT pilot action, presentation of Manfred Riedl and Barbara Frick

Videoservices - Videoservices in Pays Horloger and Haut Jura, AlpineSpace ACCESS pilot activity (more informations)

E.U.M. cooperative in Moos, South Tyrol – integration of services of different sectors (basic goods, telecommunication, energy supply) in one multipurpose cooperative

TILO – provision of the cross border local rail service between Lombardy and Switzerland (Ticino) by a joint venture between the Swiss SBB and the Lombardian TRENORD rail companies since 2004. TRENORD is owned by the Regional Government and Trenitalia; SBB is the Swiss national rail company owned by the Government. The ownership and governance of TILO is on a peer basis.

MAAS (= Mobility As A Service) – establishment of market providers of transportation on an integrated and multimodal basis, possibly supported by public subsidies, the article “MaaS in rural areas - case Finland” published by Research in Transportation Business & Management, Elsevier, 2018, and the presentation “Future challenges for SGI in the Alps – Transport” held by F. Stanta during the Think Tank meeting in Lanslebourg, June 2017).

Salute-zdravstvo – Healthcare project

Zeleni zaboj?ek – online shop by ?arna Ltd. with ecologically produced fruits and vegetables in Ljubljana, Slovenia

„AMICO WEB“ („WEB FRIEND“) – e-services in mountain areas, virtual shop and assistance for the elderly, Qualima AlpineSpace project pilot activity in Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Italy

FAMA cooperative – retail on rural areas by FAMA Ltd. in Primorska region of Slovenia

Multi-purpose centers – offering multiple SGIs in one place/building, QUALIMA AlpineSpace pilot activity in Veneto, Italy

Improvement of small retailer network – management of shops in mountain areas, ACCESS AlpineSpace project pilot activity in Liguria Region, Italy

Consolidation of small food shops – local agenda, market research and advising, ACCESS AlpineSpace project pilot activity in Tirol, Austria

Catalogue of local food providers – boosting demand for local food, DEMOCHANGE Alpine Space project pilot activity in Škofja Loka Hills, Sloveni






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