Austrian (national) | | |
General | Guideline | Austrian Spatial Development Concept |
Regional development | Programme | Austria - Rural Development Programme |
Telecomunication | Legislation | Austrian Telecommunication Law |
Telecomunication | Strategy | Austrian Broadband Strategy |
Health | Strategy | Austrian structural plan health |
Health | Guideline | Austrian dementia strategy final report |
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Austria (Tirol) | | |
General | Legislation | Tyrolean Spatial Planning Law |
General | Strategy | Future Space Tyrol |
Sustainability | Strategy | Sustainability Strategy Tyrol |
General | Legislation | Tyrolean Municipality Organization Law |
General | Legislation | Tyrolean Law on Services |
Regional development | Programme | Regional Economy Development Program for Nature Park Region Lech - Außerfern |
Transport | Strategy | Strategy for Fernpass |
Transport | Legislation | Tyrolean Road Law |
Telecomunication | Strategy | Broadband Masterplan for the Tyrol |
Health | Legislation | Tyrolean hospital plan |
Health | Plan | Regional structural plan health of the Tyrol - ambualnt module |
Social care | Programme | Structure plan Care for the State of Tyrol |
Education | Legislation | Tyrolean Schoolorganization Law |
Education | Legislation | Tyrolean Childhood Education and Care Law |
Regional development | Strategy | Local Action Group Regional Development Osttirol |
Regional development | Strategy | Local Strategy - Rural Development Außerfern |
Social care | Guideline | Social Concept Außerfern |
Basic goods | Legislation | Tyrolean shopping center program |
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Austria (Carinthia) | | |
Regional development | Legislation | Carinthian Spatial Planning Law |
Regional development | Legislation | Carinnhtian Municipality planing Law |
Regional development | Strategy | Strategic development Carinthia |
Transport | Strategy | Regional traffic plan |
Transport | Strategy | Mobiltiy master plan Carinthia 2035 |
Telecomunication | Strategy | Broadband masterplan for Carinthia |
Health | Plan | Regional Health Care Structure Plan Carinthia 2020 |
Basic goods | Legislation | Carinthian shopping center program |
Regional development | Strategy | Local development strategy for Nockregion |
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France | | |
General | Legislation | « NOTRe » Act of August 7th 2015 (New territorial organisation of the Republic) |
General | Legislation | Mountain Act |
General | Legislation | The law for Modernisation of Territorial Public Action and Affirmation of the Metropolis (known as the MAPAM law) January 27th 2014 |
Regional development | Legislation | February 23th Act about rural areas development |
Regional development | Legislation | Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Act of June 25th 1999 |
Transport | Strategy / Programme | The act of December 30th 1982 about domestic transport |
Health | Legislation | July 21st 2009 Act about Hospital, patients, health and territories (known as HPST Act) |
Health | Legislation | The 26th january 2016 act about health system (Touraine law) |
Social care | Legislation | The act of february 11th 2005 for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of disabled people |
Social care | Legislation | Adaptation of society to the ageing of the population Act of December 28th 2015 |
Social care | Legislation | The act of January 2nd 2002 reforming social and medico-social intervention |
Education | Legislation | Professional training, employment and social democracy Act of March 5th 2014 |
Education | Legislation | Higher education and research Act of july 22nd 2013 |
Education | Legislation | July 8th 2013 Act reforming primary school |
General | Strategy | Isere departmental plan for intercommunal Cooperation (2011) |
General | Strategy | Alpes de Haute Provence departmental plan for intercommunal Cooperation (2011) |
Social care | Strategy | Isère Departmental plan for the Autonomy of disabled and elderly people 2011-2015 |
Social care | Strategy | Alpes de Haute-Provence Departmental plan for ederly people 2015-2017 |
Social care | Strategy | Alpes de Haute-Provence Departmental plan for children and families 2016-2020 |
General | Strategy | Savoie departmental plan for intercommunal Cooperation (2011) |
Social care | Strategy | Savoie Departmental plan for Ederly people 2011-2016 |
Social care | Strategy | Savoie Departmental Plan for Disabled people 2014-2019 |
Social care | Strategy | Savoie Departmental plan 2012-2017 for families and children |
Social care | Strategy | Savoie Departmental Social Cohesion Plan 2014-2018 |
Telecomunication | Strategy | Territorial outline plan for digital planning in Isère 2015 |
Telecomunication | Strategy | Alpes de Haute Provence Territorial outline plan for digital development (2012) |
Telecomunication | Strategy | Territorial outline plan for digital development in Savoie 2012 |
Regional development | Plan | Interregional agreement for Alpine massif 2015/2020 |
Regional development | Programme | Rural development programme (Regional) - PACA 2014-2020 |
Regional development | Strategy | PACA Project contract State-Region 2015-2020 |
Regional development | Strategy | PACA Regional Spatial Planning and Development plan 2030 |
Transport | Strategy | PACA Regional Transportation Plan 2006 |
Transport | Strategy | Regional political framework for ecomobility Rhône-Alpes 28/3/2013 |
Transport | Strategy | Regional political framework for improving local transport commissions between service providers and customers / passengers |
Transport | Strategy | Regional political framework concerning new services offered in railway stations |
Telecomunication | Guideline | Digital Rhone -Alpes |
Health | Guideline | Reducing inequality of access to health services for regional citizens |
Health | Strategy / Programme | Rhône Alpes regional Health programm/Plan |
Social care | Guideline | Seasonality act |
Social care | Strategy | PACA regional Social Care plan |
Social care | Strategy | Rhône Alpes regional Social Care plan |
Education | Strategy | PACA Regional Higher education and research and innovation plan (2014) |
Education | Programme | PACA Regional employment and apprenticeship program 2015-2016 |
Education | Strategy | Rhône Alpes development plan for the regional public service of orientation |
Transport | Strategy | State / Region planning contract 2015-2020 |
Telecomunication | Strategy | PACA Regional Cohesion strategy for Digital planning (2011) |
Health | Strategy | PACA Regional Health Program 2012-2016 |
Health | Strategy | PACA Regional Health Care Program 2012-2016 |
Regional development | Plan | Territorial contract between Maurienne and Savoie (2012-2017) |
Regional development | Plan | Pays A3V Regional territorial balance Contract |
Regional development | Guideline | Pays de Maurienne Public service plan (2016) |
Regional development | Spatial plan | Grenoble Territorial Cohesion blueprint |
Regional development | Spatial plan | Oisans Territorial Cohesion blueprint |
Regional development | Spatial plan | Pays de Maurienne territorial Cohesion blueprint |
Regional development | Strategy | Pays de Maurienne Development Charter (2004) |
Regional development | Strategy | Pays A3V Charter (2003) |
Regional development | Strategy/Guideline/Plan | VERDON LEADER 2014-2020 (“Verdon reinvents its rurality: Enhancing the economic, social and ecological transition of the territory”) |
Regional development | Strategy/Guideline/Plan | Alpes Sud Isère LEADER (Supporting territory towards new economic development opportunities) 2014-2020 |
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Italy (Lombardy) | | |
General | Legislation | Constitution - art. 43 - 44 - 117 |
General | Legislation | National Law for Municipality organization and competences |
General | Legislation | Italian national law for Euroepan Directive 2006/123/EC implementation. |
General | Legislation | National law (draft) about services of general economic interest (SGEI) at local level |
Telecomunication | Strategy | Ultrabroadband Italian strategy (Infrastructure) |
Telecomunication | Strategy | Digital growth strategy (demand side) |
Regional development | Legislation | Regional funds to support Lombardy small municipalities |
Regional development | Legislation | Reorganization and legislation for Lombardy Mountain Communities and Municipalites Unions |
Regional development | Legislation | Regional Law for re-organization of local institutions and their competences, and rules for the definition of mountain territories specificity. |
Regional development | Guideline | Guidelines for mountains areas development |
Regional development | Legislation | Regional actions to support population living in mountain areas |
Regional development | Strategy | Tourism Strategy for Hinterland Areas / Axis 6 - ERDF 2014-2020 Lombardy ROP |
Transport | Legislation | Law for transport sector |
Telecomunication | Strategy | Lombardy Digital Agenda |
Telecomunication | Programme | ERDF 2014-2020 Lombardy ROP - Axis 2 Enhancing access to, and use and quality of ICT |
Telecomunication | Programme | Essential services for rural areas - Rural development programme (RDP) Lombardy EARDF 2014-2020 ROP - Objective 7 |
Basic goods | Legislation | Law for trade and fair sector development |
Basic goods | Plan | Action plan on trade 2008-2010 - financial support for the "Trade Districts Promotion" action - D.G.R. 7730/2008 |
Health | Legislation | Evolution of the health and welfare system in Lombardy: changes to Title I and Title II of Regional Law 30 December 2009, n. 33 - Regional Law No. 23/2015 |
Health | Guideline | Regional Guidelines for chronic diseases and fragile conditions caring management 2016-2018 - DGR 4662/2015 |
Health | Guideline | Regional Guidelines 2015-2018 for diseases prevention management |
Social care | Legislation | Evolution of the health and welfare system in Lombardy: changes to Title I and Title II of Regional Law 30 December 2009, n. 33 - Regional Law No. 23/2015 |
Social care | Plan | Self-sufficiency income and Social Inclusion |
Social care | Report | Policy indication for the integrated health, social-health and welfare. Lombardy Region |
Education | Legislation | Quality, innovation and internationalization in education, training and employment systems - Regional Law 30/2015 |
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Italy (Bolzano) | | |
General | Legislation | Essential public service |
General | Legislation | Dir.P.C.M. 27 January 1994. Principles on the delivery of pubblic service |
General | Legislation | Deliberation n.3/2012. Guidelines for the improvement of the quality of public service tools. |
General | Legislation | Decree of the President of the Republic 22 March 1974, n.381. Provisions implementing the Special Statute for the Region Trentino-South Tyrol in the field of urban planning and public works |
Regional development | Programme | National Programme for rural development 2014 - 2020 |
Regional development | Agreement | Italy Partnernship Agreement 2014-2020 |
Health | Legislation | Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers on November 29, 2001. Definition of basic levels of care. |
Health | Legislation | Legislative Decreen n.299/99: Norms for the rationalization of the national health service |
Health | Plan | Ministry of Health-National Health Plan 2011 - 2013 |
Social care | Legislaton | Law 08 November 2000, n. 328. Framework law for the implementation of the integrated system of interventions and social services |
Social care | Legislation | Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers on February 14, 2001. Guidelines and coordination in the field of socio-health services |
Social care | Legislation | Law 8 novembre 1991, n. 381. The disciplines of social coperatives |
Education | Legislation | Law 28 march 2003, n. 53. Delegation to the Government to define general standards of education and levels of performances in education and professional training. |
Education | Legislation | Law 13 July 2015, n. 107. Reform of the national education and training system and the mandate for the reorganize of existing legislation |
Education | Strategy | Comunication Strategy 2014-2020. National operative programme "For the school- Skills and location learning". |
Education | Plan | Action plan for achieving targets of the education sector service 2009 |
Regional development | Programme | Autonomous Province of Bolzano- Operational programm. European Social Fund 2014-2020 |
Regional development | Strategy | Autonomous Province of Bolzano. Strategy for regional development 2014-2020 |
Regional development | Legislation | Provincial Law 11 August 1997, n. 13. Provincial Urban Law |
Transport | Legislation | Provincial Law 14 December, 1974, n. 37 Expenses and fees for research and projects on transport |
Transport | Legislation | Provincial Law, 2 December 1985, n. 16 Public transport of persons |
Transport | Legislation | Decree of the Preseident of the Province, 13 November, 2008, n. 63 Management of the airport in BZ |
Transport | Legislation | Provincial Law, 23 November 2015, n. 15, Public mobility |
Transport | Legislation | Decree of the President of the Republic 19 November, 1987, n. 527. Provisions implementing the Special Statute of Trentino-South Tyrol in the field of communications and transport of provincial interest. |
Telecomunication | Legislation | Provincial legislation 19 January 2012, n.2. Promotion of broadband in the territory of province |
Telecomunication | Legislation | Decree of the provincial president 13 November 2012, n. 38. Guidelines for the preparation of the master plan for the construction of the network of fiber access in municipalities of South Tyrol |
Telecomunication | Legislation | Decree of the provincial president 13 November 2013, n. 36. Regulation on the communication infrastructure with trasmitting facilities |
Basic goods | Legislation | Provincial Law 13 February 1997, n. 4 - Extraordinary Interventions of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-South Tyrol to support the economy |
Basic goods | Legislation | Deliberation 28 April 2015, n. 487. Extraordinary intervention in favor of local supply services - Procvincial law 13 February 1997, n.4 |
Basic goods | Legislation | Deliberation n. 4036 of 12.11.2001. Approval of the addresses and provincial programmers criteria for a rational distribution system development, to be observed in presdisposizion of municipal planning tools and provincial, as binding, respectively for me |
Basic goods | Legislation | Deliberation n.1588 of 08.06.2009. New provincial plan approval for large sales structure (article 3, provincial legislation 17 February 2000, n.7 ed articolo 5, D.P.G.P 30 October 2000, n.39) |
Health | Legislation | Provincial law 5 march 2001, n.7. Reordering of the provincial health service. |
Social care | Legislation | Provincial law 30 April, 1991, n.13. Reordering the provincial social service in the Province of Bolzano |
Education | Legislation | Provincial Law, 31 August, 1974, n. 7, School welfare, measures to secure the right to education |
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Slovenia | | |
General | Legislation | Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia |
General | Legislation | Act on services in the internal market |
General | Legislation | State Administration Act |
General | Legislation | Social Entrepreneurship Act |
General | Legislation | Public-Private Partnership Act |
General | Legislation | Services of General Economic Interest Act |
General | Legislation | Decree on notification procedure of the requirements for services |
General | Legislation | Decree on Spatial order of Slovenia |
General | Strategy | Spatial Development Strategy of Slovenia |
Regional development | Legislation | Promotion of Balanced Regional Development Act |
Regional development | Legislation | Decree on measures for agricultural structures policy and rural development policy |
Regional development | Legislation | Decree on the implementation of community-led local development in the programming period 2014-2020 |
Regional development | Legislation | Decree on the measures of Axis 1, 3 and 4 of the Slovenian Rural Development Programme 2007–2013 in the years 2011-2013 |
Regional development | Programme | Rural Development Programme for the Republic of Slovenia 2014-2020 |
Regional development | Programme | Regional Develpoment Programme of the North Primorska (Goriška development Region) |
Transport | Legislation | Railway Transport Act |
Transport | Legislation | Road Transport Act |
Transport | Legislation | Regulation on a mode of implementation of economic public service on passanger public line transport in inner road transport and about the concession of this public service |
Transport | Policy | Resolution on the Transport Policy of the Republic of Slovenia (intermodality - time for synergy) |
Transport | Strategy | Transport Development Strategy in the Republic of Slovenia |
Transport | Guideline | Sustainable mobility for successful future, guidelines for the preparation of an integrated transport strategy |
Telecomunication | Legislation | Telecommunications Act |
Telecomunication | Legislation | Electronic Communications Act |
Telecomunication | Legislation | Mass Media Act |
Telecomunication | Legislation | Digital Broadcasting Act |
Telecomunication | Programme | National Programme for the Development of Telecommunication |
Telecomunication | Strategy | Digital Slovenia 2020 - Information Society Development Strategy to 2020 |
Telecomunication | Plan | Next-Generation Broadband Network Development Plan to 2020 |
Telecomunication | Strategy | Ciber safety Strategy |
Basic goods | Legislation | Trade Act |
Basic goods | Legislation | Postal Services Act |
Basic goods | Legislation | General terms for the provision of a universal postal service |
Health | Legislation | Health Services Act |
Health | Plan | Resolution on National Health Care Plan 2016 - 2025 |
Health | Strategy | E-Health 2010: The Strategy for Implementing Information Technology in the Slovenian Healthcare System 2005-2010 |
Social care | Legislation | Social Security Act |
Social care | Programme | Resolution on the national social assistance programme 2013-2020 |
Social care | Strategy | The strategy of care for the elderly till 2010 – Solidarity, good intergenerational relations and quality ageing of the population |
Social care | Programme | Resoultion on National Programe for Youth 2013-2022 |
Education | Legislation | Pre-School Institutions Act |
Education | Legislation | Elementary School Act |
Education | Legislation | Higher Education Act |
Education | Legislation | Organization and Financing of Education Act |
Education | Legislation | Decree on criteria for setting up a public network of elementary schools, a public network of elementary schools and educational institutions for children and youth with special needs, and a public network of music schools |
Education | Programme | Resolution on National programme of higher education |
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Switzerland (national) | | |
General | Guideline / Strategy | Report of the federal council on services of general interest |
Regional developement | Concept | spatial development concept |
Transport | Legislation | Law on the transport of passengers |
Transport | Legislation | Ordinnance on the transport of passengers |
Transport | Legislation | Law on freight transport |
Telecomunication | Legislation | Telecommunications Act |
Telecomunication | Legislation | Odinnance on telcommunication services |
Telecomunication | Legislation | Atlas on broadband |
Telecomunication | Legislation | Law on postal services |
Telecomunication | Legislation | Ordinannce on postal services |
Health | Strategy | Masterplan general doctors |
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Lichtenstein | | |