Reports on the actual status of SGI accessibility
Latest reports on SGI from ESPON (European and Alpine space level)
The so called "ESPON" programme aims to support the effectiveness of EU Cohesion Policy as well as policies and programmes under all European Structural and Investment Funds and national and regional territorial development policies. The following research work of the ESPON programme is of particular interest for SGI actors in the Alpine Space.
1. ESPON Alps 2050 ATLAS - Common spatial perspectives for the Alpine Area
The project "Alps 2050" focused on the challenges the broader Alpine area is facing such as specific geographical position, globalisation, demographic trends, climate change and its impact on the environment, biodiversity, territorial pattern of activities and living conditions. The Alps 2050 ATLAS gives a unique overview on relevant data on spacial development in the Alpine area. It provides some data and graphs specifically on SGI, but also other relevant information for decision taking on SGI.
Download Alps 2050 ATLAS here.
2. PROFECY - Inner Peripheries: National territories facing challenges of access to basic services of general interest
The main objective of this tender on “Inner Peripheries” is to develop strategies for inner peripheries at European level to overcome their marginalising effects (with a focus on SGI).
All Data and Reports on PROFECY
3. Policy brief: Cross-border public services in Europe
This overview highlights that cross-border public service (CPS) provision helps European border regions to better integrate. Cross-border services address joint challenges of neighbouring border regions, and their provision aims to generate benefits for the general public or specific target groups in the border area. The policy aims to provide arguments and inspiration for those who are engaged in developing and implementing cross-border cooperation on SGI
Policy Brief on Cross-border public services
4. BRIDGES - Territories with Geographical Specificities
BRIDGES aims to gain a better understanding of the territories with geographic specificities and their relevant challenges and opportunities as well as how to address them. The project focused on sparsely populated regions; mountain regions; Islands and coastal areas.
All information and documents deriving from BRIDGES
Draft Final Report
Data from INTESI Project that concluded in 2018
An actual status of SGI accessibility has been analysed by the INTESI project. The project focuses on 10 test areas located in five alpine countries (Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France and Slovenia). The test areas were selected explicitly to be able to provide a realistic and explorative first overview situation of differences and similarities regarding the provision and regulation of SGI across the Alpine area.
Eurac researchers of the Institute of Regional Development designed regional profiles to compare the current SGI delivery of the TAs according to their availability (GIS maps), accessibility (spatial-statistics) and service quality (workshops and interviews). These, together with elaborated scenarios for the population forecast, serve to identify future challenges and provide a demand-orientated service delivery.
An overview of the project is privided in the Synthesis Report. For regional reports of the different test areas please refer to the list below:
Austria: Tyrol - Reutte/Ausserfern
Carinthia - Lieser-/Maltatal
France: Alpes Sud Isère, Pays Maurienne, Pays A3V
Italy: Lombardy - Valchiavenna
South Tyrol - Val Passiria
Slovenia: Idrija & Cerkno
Switzerland: Canton of Jura - Western part of the district of Porrentruy